Astri My Astri Publishing links — Norwegian Genealogy Research & Language Learning Tools
Whether you are just beginning to explore your Norwegian genealogy or have spent years accumulating file cabinets full of ancestral information, a genealogy chart to organize your data and learning how to use the FREE online Norwegian church records are a must! Click the images below to download FREE copies of the following designed by Deb Nelson Gourley, Astri My Astri Publishing:
- Kid friendly 5-generation Norwegian genealogy chart
- 2 pages of easy step-by-step instructions in English on how to use the FREE Norwegian Arkivverket Digitalarkivet - Digitised Parish Registers (old handwritten church books from Norway) for birth, baptism, vaccination, confirmation, banns (engagements), marriage, immigration, death and other records [Click link and then click Parish registry]

Purchase the Norwegian Genealogy Kit

Download page 1 of instructions

Download page 2 of instructions

Download PDF of genealogy chart
Bygdebøker (Norwegian Local Histories)
- Akershus Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Arne G. Brekke Bygdebok Collection - University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
- Aust-Agder Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les (black button) for digital books
Ål Bygdebok - Buskerud, Norway, (online) Ål bygdesoge bind III og IV by Lars Opsata
- Buskerud Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Finnmark Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Hedmark Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Hordaland Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Møre og Romsdal Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Nord-Trøndelag Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Nordland Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Norwegian Bygdebøker - located in the University of Minnesota Libraries
Norwegian Bygdebøker - search by map index, Rolvaag Library, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
Norwegian Bygdebøker - search by name index, Rolvaag Library, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
Oppland Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
Oslo Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Rogaland Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Selbu Bygdebøker - Sør-Trøndelag, Norway, 7 volumes, digital version of Selbu i Fortid og Nåtid (online)
- Selbu Bygdebøker - Sør-Trøndelag, Norway, 7 volumes, Gårdsliste [farmlist] A-Z (online)
- Sogn og Fjordane Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Sør-Trøndelag Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Telemark Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Troms Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- The National Library of Norway Bygdebok - Nasjonalbiblioteket, Oslo, Norway
- Vaksdal kommune, alfabetisk liste over gardane - Hordaland, Norway (online)
- Vest-Agder Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Vestfold Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
- Vossaboki - Voss, Norway, select volumes 1-4 (online) by Lars Kindem
- Østfold Bygdebøker - (Slekt1) select Kategorier & then Les black button for digital books
Bygdelag (Norwegian Genealogy Groups)
- Norwegian-American Bygdelagenes Fellesraad (NABF) - national council for the bygdelags [organizations] & stevne [genealogy meetings]
- Agder Lag (Vest-Agder and Aust-Agder)
- Gudbrandsdalslaget
- Hadeland Lag of America
- Hallinglag of America
- Hardanger Lag
- Landingslaget i Amerika
- Møre og Romsdalslag
- Nord-Hedmark og Hedemarken Lag
- Nordfjord Lag Wisconsin
- Nordfjordlaget in America
- Nordhordland
- Nordlandslaget av Amerika og Kanada
- Numedalslågen Lag
- Opdalslag
- Ringerike-Drammen Districts Lag
- Rogalandslag
- Romerikslaget i Amerika
- Sami Lag
Seven Lag / 7 Lag Stevne - (Hadeland Lag, Landingslaget i Amerika, Numedalslågen Lag, Ringerike-Drammen Districts Lag, Sigdalslag, Telelaget, Toten Lag)
- Sigdalslag
- Sognalag
- Sognefjordlag of America
- Solørlag of America
- Sunnfjordlaget i Amerika
- Sunnhordland Lag
- Telelaget of America
- Totenlag
- Tre Lag / 3 Lag Stevne - (Gudbrandsdalslaget, Nord-Hedmark og Hedmarken Lag, Trønderlag of America)
- Trønderlag of America
- Valdres Samband
Vestlandslag Stevne - (Hardanger, Møre og Romsdalslag, Nordhordland, Rogalandslag, Sognalag, Sunnfjordlag, Sunnhordland, Vosselag)
- Vosselag
Church Histories, Maps and Records
Church Records in Norway - Digitalarkivet Search Parish Registry in Norway
Church Records in Norway - Digitalarkivet Search Parish Registry other than Norway (Abroad/Foreign)
Church Records in USA - Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), 1781-1969
Map Church of Norway - searchable map, via Church of Norway Information Service
Mindekirken - The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church, Minneapolis, MN
- Norsk Lutherske Menigheter i Amerika, 1843-1916, Første Bind - (index on pg 11) by O. M. Norlie, 1918, 1098 pages, digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012, Menighetshistorier: Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Texas, Missouri, New York, Michigan, South Dakota, Kansas, Indiana, New Jersey, California, Nebraska [individual church histories with pictures and maps]
- Norsk Lutherske Menigheter i America, 1843-1916, Andet Bind - (index in beginning) by O. M. Norlie, 1918, 1136 pages, digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012, Menighetshistorier: North Dakota, Oregon, Vermont, Maine, Ohio, Washington, Idaho, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Colorado, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Montana, Rhode Island, Wyoming, Connecticut, Utah, Tennessee, Nevada, Alabama, Virginia, Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, District of Columbia, Alaska, Florida, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan [individual church histories with pictures and maps]
Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Genealogy - Lots of Genealogy Research Tips
- - Ancestry Database Card Catalog [free databases indicated]
- - Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
- - Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), 1781-1969
- - Explore areas by location, USA, UK & Ireland, Europe, Canada, Australia & NZ
- - Minnesota, Naturalization Records Index, 1854-1957
- - Social Security Death Index in USA,1935-2014
- - 1830 United States Federal Census
- - 1840 United States Federal Census
- - 1850 United States Federal Census
- - 1860 United States Federal Census
- - 1870 United States Federal Census
- - 1880 United States Federal Census [free]
- - 1900 United States Federal Census
- - 1910 United States Federal Census
- - 1920 United States Federal Census
- - 1930 United States Federal Census
- - 1940 United States Federal Census [free]
- Billion Graves - world′s largest resource for searchable GPS cemetery data
Bureau of Land Management - U.S. Dept of Interior, General Land Office Records
- Digitalarkivet - 1801 search for persons in Norwegian census
- Digitalarkivet - 1865 search for persons in Norwegian census
- Digitalarkivet - 1900 search for persons in Norwegian census
- Digitalarkivet - 1910 search for persons in Norwegian census
- Digitalarkivet - Find Person or Place
- Digitalarkivet - Find Source
- Digitalarkivet - Passports for emigration to America, issued in Bergen 1842-1860
- Digitalarkivet - Search in emigration register leaving Bergen, Norway 1874-1930
- Digitalarkivet - Search in emigration register leaving Oslo, Norway 1867-1930
Digitalarkivet - [NEW] Norwegian Digitized Parish Registers, search original handwritten Norwegian church records [click Parish Registry]
Ellis Island - 1892 to 1924 immigrant arrival and passenger records
- Family Search - Census (Historical Record Collections)
Family Search - Homepage (Family History and Genealogy Records)
- Family Search - Norway Genealogy: guide to Norway ancestry, family history, and genealogy (birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, and military records)
Family Search - *****Search & Discover your Family History [free]*****
Family Search - United States Genealogy: guide to Norway ancestry, family history, and genealogy (birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, and military records)
Find A Grave - world's largest gravesite collection search [free]
Norway-Heritage - passenger lists 1825-1873, Norwegian emigrant search
Norway-Heritage - ship index 1825-1925
Norwegian Farm Names by Olaf Rygh - covers volumes 1-17 of O. Rygh's series on Norwegian farm names
Norwegian Historical Data Centre (NHDC) - Norway's census and parish registers via University of Tromsø
Norwegian Historical Data Centre (NHDC) - Searching the 1801, 1865, 1875, 1900 & 1910 censuses for Norway
Norwegians in the Civil War - Vesterheim Norwegian American Museum
- Public Records - search in every state and county in the United States
Rootsweb - database index
Rootsweb - World Connect Project Global Search
Toten, Oppland, Norway Emigration - lists emigrants leaving Norway data years 1846-1946
Veterans Nationwide Gravesite Locator - via U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Vital Records - resource for locating U.S. birth certificates, death records & marriage licenses
Genealogy Resources
Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center - Fort Wayne, IN
- - search
- Cyndi’s List - Norway/Norge
- Daughters of Norway
Det Norske Utvandrersenteret / The Norwegian Emigration Center - Stavanger, Norway
DIS-Norge, Slekt og Data - Genealogy Society of Norway
- Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter
Giants of the Earth Heritage Center - Spring Grove, MN
- - search
Google Norge - search
- Granby Gård - Emigration from Selbu and Tydal to America
- Gule Sider - Firma, Personer, Kart, Veibeskrivelse, Nettsøk
History of the Norwegian Settlements by Hjalmar Rued Holand (download 3800 Name Index pdf)
- Iowa Genealogical Society - genealogical research education
- - search
- Military Records - National Archives
- Minnesota Genealogical Society (MGS) - genealogical research education
N-AGA - Norwegian-American Genealogical Association
NAGC & NL - Norwegian American Genealogical Center & Naeseth Library, Madison, WI
NAHA - Norwegian American Historical Association, St Olaf College, Northfield, MN
- Nasjonalbiblioteket - in Norwegian, National Library of Norway, Oslo, Norway
- National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) - Nation's record keeper (USA)
- National Library of Norway - in English, Oslo, Norway
- Nordic Heritage Museum - Seattle, WA
- Nordmanns Forbundet / Norwegians Worldwide
- Nordmænene i Amerika by Martin Ulvestad - original 1907 & 1913 books in Dano-Norwegian Gothic script
- Norsk Slektshistorisk Forening - The Norwegian Genealogical Society
- Norway House - A bridge between Norway and the United States, Minneapolis, MN
- Norway in the United States - Embassy and Consulates General
- Norwegian genealogy links -, cemeteries, censuses, marriages, military, passenger lists & societies
- Norwegian genealogy links -, many hundreds of links
- Public Libraries of the United States
- Sons of Norway
- - search
Store Norske Leksikon - Norwegian encyclopedia search
The Promise of America - Norwegian emigration to America and Norwegian-American history 1825-2000
Trønderlag of America - Internet Genealogy Resources
USGenWeb Archives - genealogical research listed by state
USGenWeb Project - genealogical research listed by state
Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum - Decorah, IA
- Voss Genealogical Resources
Wikipedia - free encyclopedia
Wisconsin State Genealogical Society - genealogical research education
WorldCat - search - world's largest network of library content and services
Yahoo! - search
Yahoo! Canada - people finder
Language Learning
- Alfaskolen - private Norwegian Language School recognized by VOX
- Bing Translate - (Norwegian to English) or (English to Norwegian)
- Bokmålsordboka / Nynorskordboka - Universitetet i Oslo
Deb Nelson Gourley presents Kings of Norway by Anders Kvåle Rue - book and 3 CDs, bilingual excerpt, Harald Fairhair - Harald Hårfagre
- Dictionary - Danish Language (online)
- Dictionary - Dano-Norwegian to English Ordbog, Anton Larsen, 1897, København (online)
- Dictionary - Engelsk to Dansk-Norsk Ordbog, Første Bind: A-M, John Brynildsen & Johannes Magnussen, 1902, København (online)
- Dictionary - Engelsk to Dansk-Norsk Ordbog, Andet Bind: N-Z, John Brynildsen & Johannes Magnussen, 1907, København (online)
- Dictionary - English to Old Norse, compiled by Ross G. Arthur, 2002, Cambridge, Ontario (online)
- Dictionary - LEXIN, Bokmål Dictionary (online)
- Dictionary - LEXIN, Bokmål to Nynorsk (online)
- Dictionary - LEXIN, Nynorsk to English (online)
- Dictionary - Norwegian-American Dictionary (online)
- Dictionary - Norwegian Bokmål Picture Dictionary, over 2,000 photos and illustrations
- Dictionary - Norwegian to English, Bokmål and Nynorsk, by Einar Haugen, where to purchase
- Folkehøgskolene - Norwegian Folk High Schools
- Gotisk alfabet - A-Ø, typed letter with handwritten samples
- Google Translate - (Norwegian to English) or (English to Norwegian)
Høgskolen i Telemark - Telemark University College
Language and Literature - Scandinavia - WessWeb links for Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
Luther College - Scandinavian Studies, Decorah, IA
Nordic Studies - Your Passport to Northern Europe
Norgeskolen - three-week summer school in Norwegian language, history and culture, Norway
Norwegian Language - Bokmål, Nynorsk, Riksmål and Høgnorsk explained in Wikipedia
Norwegian Ridge Language Camp - via Giants of the Earth Heritage Center, Spring Grove, MN
Norwegian Word List - contains Norwegian genealogy words with their English translations via Family Search
Omniglot - Norwegian via the online encyclopedia of writing systems & languages
Skogfjorden - Norwegian Language Village, Concordia College, Bemidji, MN
St. Olaf College - Norwegian Department Resources, Northfield, MN
University of Minnesota - Department of German, Scandinavian & Dutch
University of North Dakota - Norwegian Program, Grand Forks, ND
University of Wisconsin - Department of Scandinavian Studies, Madison, WI
Maps, Atlases & Plat Books
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries in USA - via The Newberry Library
Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States - digital edition reproduces all of the atlas's nearly 700 maps
Atlases and Plat Books - Minnesota, 1909-1916, County & Township
County Maps - Iowa
County Maps - Minnesota
County Maps - North Dakota
County Maps - South Dakota
County Maps - Wisconsin
Geographical Names - Norway listed A-Z or use search in upper right corner
GIS Maps - Agricultural data including farmland values, soil productivity ratings, crop mix and parcel ownership information in USA
- Google earth
- Google maps
Google maps gallery - easily explore maps
- Gulesider kart (maps)
Historic Map Works - historic digital map database of North America and the world
Historical Atlases and Maps of USA - rotating animated maps showing all of the county boundary changes
Historiske kart - 8000 historical maps from the Norwegian Mapping Authority, high resolution [free]
- - search Norway map
Kommuner - list of municipalities of Norway & location maps via Wikipedia
Norway's Parishes - legend (highways and streets, topographic map, satellite imagery)
Norge i bilder - search (bilder, sted, kartlag, siste prosjekter, eksport)
- - search Norway map
Norwegian Genealogy Kit - poster containing 17 fylker (districts) and 433 kommuner (municipalities) maps
Old Maps Online - discovering the cartography of the past
Territory Map - Minnesota, 1850
Midwest Genealogy (IA, MN, ND, SD, WI)
IAGenWeb Project - genealogical research listed by county
Iowa - Big Canoe Lutheran Cemetery - Winneshiek County, IA
Iowa Cemeteries (By County) - cemeteries in Iowa's 99 Counties via Iowa Gravestone Photo Project
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs - connecting Iowans to the people and places
Iowa Family History Research Collections - via
Iowa Genealogy - LDS links by record type, county and city
Iowa Graves - Work Projects Administration (WPA), 1930s Graves Registration Survey
Iowa Gravestone Search - locate photos and gravestone records via Iowa Gravestone Photo Project
Iowa Historical Societies - contact information for each county
Iowa - Mitchell and Worth Counties - 1884 History book including biographies
Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 - via
Iowa Statewide Online Genealogy Records - via
Iowa United States Genealogy - via
Iron Range Research Center - genealogical and local history research materials in the Upper Midwest
Minnesota Birth Certificates - index
Minnesota Family History Research Collections - via
Minnesota - Fillmore County - cemetery transcriptions online
Minnesota - Fillmore County - døypte 1854-1883 by Lars E. Øyana, via Digitalarkivet
Minnesota - Fillmore County - History Center & Genealogy Library, Fountain, MN
Minnesota Genealogy - LDS links by record type, county and city
Minnesota Genealogy - Links via Access Genealogy
Minnesota Historical Organizations - contact information for each county
Minnesota Historical Record Collections - via
Minnesota Historical Society - search collections
Minnesota History Center - search collections
Minnesota Place Names - A Geographical Encyclopedia
Minnesota Statewide Online Genealogy Records - via
Minnesota Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905 - via
Minnesota United States Genealogy - via
MNGenWeb Project - genealogical research listed by county
NDGenWeb Project - genealogical research listed by county
North Dakota Family History Research Collections - via
North Dakota Genealogy - LDS links by record type, county and city
North Dakota Historical Organizations - contact information for each county
North Dakota State Historical Society - resources
North Dakota United States Genealogy - via
Red River Valley Genealogical Society - serving eastern ND and western MN
SDGenWeb Project - genealogical research listed by county
South Dakota Birth Records - over 100 years, via SD Department of Health
South Dakota Family History Research Collections - via
South Dakota Genealogy - LDS links by record type, county and city
South Dakota Historical Organizations - contact information for each county
South Dakota Historical Record Collections - via
South Dakota State Historical Society - resources
South Dakota United States Genealogy - via
WIGenWeb Project - genealogical research listed by county
Wisconsin Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1820-1890 - via
Wisconsin Genealogy - LDS links by record type, county and city
Wisconsin Genealogy, Historical Records, Stories & Publications - via
Wisconsin Genealogy Index - via Wisconsin Historical Society
Wisconsin Historical Societies Directory - search directory by name or region
Wisconsin Historical Society - resources
Wisconsin Online Historical Newspapers Summary - via The Ancestry Hunt
Wisconsin Scandinavian Obituaries - over 2,000 complete obituaries online
Wisconsin Statewide Online Genealogy Records - via
Wisconsin United States Genealogy - via
Other Nationalities Genealogy Research
- American Swedish Institute - museum and cultural center, Mpls, MN
- British Isles Parish Records - links to websites
- Danish Family Search - census data, church books, school protocols and military conscription rolls
- Danish Family Search - counties search
- Dansk Demografisk Database - search censuses, probate, emigrants
- Danske Skifteuddrag og andre arkivalieuddrag - archival extracts
- Danske Slægtsforskere - Kirkebøger plus many other links
- Denmark Genealogy Links - cemeteries, censuses, marriages, military, passenger lists & societies
- Finland Genealogy Links - censuses, cemeteries, marriages, military, passenger lists, Finns in USA & societies
- Icelandic Roots - genealogy, literature, language, culture, traditions & history
- Icelandic Roots Ancestry - search online genealogy databases
- Irish Genealogy - search online genealogy databases
- Sweden Genealogy Links - cemeteries, censuses, marriages, military, passenger lists, parish registers & societies
- Swedish American Newspapers / Svensk-Amerikanska Tidningar - online portal search 300,000 digitized pages from 28 Swedish American titles 1859-2007
Scandinavian Festivals & Norwegian Genealogy Conferences in 2019
- (May 17-19, 2019) Syttende Mai - Stoughton, WI
- (May 18-19, 2019) Syttende Mai - Westby, WI
- (June 20-22, 2019) Valdres & Vestlandslag Stevne - Luther College, Decorah, IA, Lags: Valdres & Vestlandslag (Hardanger, Møre og Romsdalslag, Nordhordland, Rogalandslag, Sognalag, Sunnfjordlag, Sunnhordland, Vosselag)
- (June 21-22, 2019) Scandinavian Hjemkomst & Midwest Viking Festival - Hjemkomst Center, Moorhead, MN
- (July 10-13, 2019) Seven Lag Stevne - Fargo, ND, Lags: Hadeland, Landingslaget, Numedalslågen, Ringerike-Drammen Districts, Sigdalslag, Telelaget, Toten
- (July 25-27, 2019) Nordic Fest - Decorah, IA
- (Aug 1-3, 2019) Hallinglag Stevne - New Ulm, MN, ancestry from Buskerud including Flå, Gol, Hemsedal, Hol, Nes, Ål
- (Aug 7-10, 2019) Tre Lag Stevne - Alexandria, MN, Lags: Gudbrandsdal, Nord Hedmark og Hedemarken, Trønderlag
- (Aug 15-17, 2019) Sognefjordlag, Lanesboro, MN
- (Sept 11-14, 2019) Romerikslaget and Solørlag of America Stevne - Willmar, MN
- (Sept 14, 2019) Opdalslag - Centerville, SD
- (Sept 15, 2019) Nordfjordlag - Spicer, MN
- (Sept 25-28, 2019) Norsk Høstfest - North America’s Largest Scandinavian Festival, Minot, ND
- (Sept 28, 2019) Family History Workshop - Heritage Education Commission, Moorhead, MN
Newspapers & News sites
Movies, Music, Radio, TV & Videos
Spinning, Knitting, Weaving & Fiber Videos
- Crochet hook used to bind off knitting - via Petals to Picots
Eriskay Croft 1938 (Scotland) - video, carding, spinning, winding wool & 'wault' tweed
Hammerum Girl (Denmark) - video, reconstruction of the Hammerum Girl's dress from the Danish Iron Age
Joining two knitted items - handwork
Knitting (Learn How to Knit in the Continental Style) - via The Spruce Crafts
Rope Making (400 year history) - video, via Historic Vessel Vega
Tenterhooks 1931 (Scotland) - video, crofter working outdoors, threading yarn around the edge of a traditional shawl
- Textile Processes from Denmark (Nordic Technique Video) - via Centre for Textile Research Organization
- Tutorials (spinning, weaving, carding, felting, dyeing, knitting) - videos, via Ashford Wheels & Looms
- Weaving fabric (design via punched cards) - video
- Weaving on a warp weighted loom - via Textile Research Centre
- Weaving on the Samplelt Loom - video, via Ashford Wheels and Looms
Tools, Tours & Travel
Norwegian / Scandinavian Food & Recipes
Bergensk Fiskesuppe (Bergen Fish Soup) - via Outside Oslo
Bergensk Fiskesuppe (Bergen Fish Soup) - via ThorNews
Berlinerkranser (Berlin Wreaths) - via North Wild Kitchen
Berlinerkranser (Berlin Wreaths) - via Outside Oslo
Berlinerkranser (Berlin Wreaths) - via ThorNews
Bløtkake (Layer Cake) - with mixed fruit, via North Wild Kitchen
Bløtkake (Layer Cake) - with tyttebær/lingonberries, via North Wild Kitchen
Bløtkake (Layer Cake) - with strawberries & cream via Outside Oslo
Bløtkake (Layer Cake) Video - how to make, via Thanks For The Food
Brune Pinner (Brown Sticks) Cookies - via North Wild Kitchen
Butter Churning (Food Preservation) - via
Butter Making (Irish) - video, via Videos of Irish Butter Making
Cakes (Bløtkake, Kvæfjordkake, Kransekake, Eplekake, Suksessterte) - via Life in Norway
Eplekake (Apple Cake) - via North Wild Kitchen
Eplekake (Apple Cake) - via Outside Oslo
Fattigmann (Poor Man Cookies) - via North Wild Kitchen
Fattigmann (Poor Man Cookies) - via Outside Oslo
Fattigmann (Poor Man Cookies) - via Thanks For The Food
Fattigmann (Poor Man Cookies) - via ThorNews
Flatbrød (Flatbread) - via Cheap Recipe Blog
Flatbrød (Flatbread) - via My Little Norway
Flatbrød (Flatbread) Video - 100-year-old Nikka via NRK
Flatbrød (Flatbread) Video - how traditionally made in the old days, via
Fjøsnissen (Cow Barn Nisse) Bronost (Brown Cheese) Video in English - via TINE
- Fjøsnissen (Cow Barn Nisse) Pepperkaker (Gingerbread Cookies) - via TINE
Fjøsnissen (Cow Barn Nisse) Smør (Butter) Video with English subtitles - via TINE
Fjøsnissen (Cow Barn Nisse) Smør (Butter) Video with Norwegian subtitles - via TINE
Fårikål (Lamb & Cabbage Stew) - via North Wild Kitchen
Fårikål (Mutton-In-Cabbage) - via ThorNews
Gløgg (Scandinavian Mulled Wine) - via Outside Oslo
Glögg (Swedish) with Almonds, Raisins & Spices Video - how to make, via
Goro (Gode Raad / Good Advice) - via ThorNews
Grøt (Barley Porridge) - via My Little Norway
Julebrød (Norwegian Christmas Bread) - via ThorNews
Julekake (Norwegian Christmas Bread) - via The Spruce Eats
Julekake (Norwegian Christmas Bread) - via Outside Oslo
Juleøl (Christmas Brew) - via ThorNews
Kanelsnurrer med Tyttebær (Lingonberry Cinnamon Sweet Buns) - via North Wild Kitchen
Kjøttkaker (Norwegian Meatballs) - via The Country Basket
Kjøttkaker (Norwegian Meatballs) - via ThorNews
Knekkebrød (Norwegian Crisp Bread) - via North Wild Kitchen
Knekkebrød (Norwegian Crisp Bread) with Rutabaga, Cranberry & Almonds - via North Wild Kitchen
Knekk-Kaker (Old-Fashioned Cookie) - ‘knekk’ refers to caramel smell & taste, via North Wild Kitchen
Kringle (Dough/Pastry, traces back to Norway's Middle Ages) - via North Wild Kitchen
Krumkake - via North Wild Kitchen
Krumkake - via Outside Oslo
Krumkake - via ThorNews
Kvæfjordkake (Verdens Beste Kake / World's Best Cake) - via North Wild Kitchen
Kvæfjordkake (Verdens Beste Kake / World's Best Cake) - via Outside Oslo
Kvæfjordkake (Verdens Beste Kake / World's Best Cake) - via ThorNews
Köttbullar (Swedish Meatballs) - via Culture & Traditions
Lapskaus (Meat & Vegetable Stew) - via North Wild Kitchen
Lefsebakerne fra Orkdal - video, via
Lefse (Kling) - art of baking, via Mollas Bakeri & North Wild Kitchen
Lefse (Kling) - recipe, via Mollas Bakeri & North Wild Kitchen
Lefse (Kling) - via Thanks For The Food
Lefse (Kling) - via Uvdalsleiven Tradisjonsbakst & North Wild Kitchen
Lefse (Kling) Baking Video Grethe's Story - wood burning stove, via North Wild Kitchen
Lefse (Kling) Tips & Techniques Video Grethe's Story - how to roll out lefse at Mollas Bakeri, via North Wild Kitchen
Lefse (Kling) Baking Video from Uvdal, Norway - baking 2 at a time, via North Wild Kitchen
Lefse (Kling) How To Make - recipe & instructions, via Lefse Time
Lefse (Kling) & Flatbread (Flatbrød) Baking Video - via NRK Kutur
Lussekatter (Lussi-cats) / Lussi Long-Night - night between 12th & 13th December, via Blade Honer
Lussekater (St Lucia Saffron Buns) - via North Wild Kitchen
Lutefisk Film (Ivo Caprinos lutefiskfilm) - Den tradisjonensrike lutefisk har en 40 år gammel reklamefilm laget av ingen ringere enn dukkemesteren Ivo Caprino. Filmen ble produsert i 1967.
- Multer (Cloudberries) - via Life in Norway
Norwegian Table Prayer - Be present at our table, Lord / Være til stede ved bordet vårt, Herre (in English and Norwegian)
Norwegian Table Prayer - I Jesu navn går vi til bords / In Jesus' name to the table we go (in English and Norwegian)
Norwegian Way Cooking (Pinnekjøtt, Lutefisk, Pepperkaker, Gløgg) - via The Nordic Page Norway
Pannekaker (Norwegian Pancakes) - via Outside Oslo
Pepperkaker (Norwegian Gingerbread Cookies) - via North Wild Kitchen
Pepperkaker (Norwegian Gingerbread Cookies) - via Outside Oslo
Pepperkaker (Norwegian Gingerbread Cookies) Video - how to make, via TINE
Pinnekjøtt (Cured Lamb Ribs) - via North Wild Kitchen
Pizzelles - via Outside Oslo
Rabarbrakake (Rhubarb Cake) - via North Wild Kitchen
Risalamande (the dessert of Christmas Eve) - via Embassy of Denmark in the US
Risengrynsgrøt (Norwegian Rice Porridge) - via The Country Basket
Risengrynsgrøt (Norwegian Rice Porridge) - via ThorNews
Rosettes (How to Make) Pictures - Diehl, via The Spruce Eats
Rosettes (How to Make) Pictures - Pellegrinelli, via The Spruce Eats
Rosettes (How To Make) Video - via AllRecipes
Rødkål (Braised Red Cabbage) - via Embassy of Denmark in the US
Rødkål (Braised Red Cabbage) - via North Wild Kitchen
Rømmebrød - via Uvdalsleiven Tradisjonsbakst & North Wild Kitchen
Rømmegrøt (Sour Cream Porridge) - via Lisa Eats World
Rømmegrøt (Sour Cream Porridge) - via North Wild Kitchen
Rømmegrøt (Sour Cream Porridge) - via Outside Oslo
Rømmegrøt (Sour Cream Porridge) - via ThorNews
Saffransbullar (Saffron Buns) - via Simply Recipes (St Lucia Day 13th Dec)
Saffransbullar (Saffron Buns) & Pepparkakor (Gingersnaps) - via
Sandkaker / Sandbakkelse (Sunbuckles) - via Outside Oslo
Sandkaker / Sandbakkelse (Sunbuckles) - via ThorNews
Sandkaker / Sandbakkelse (Sunbuckles) Video - via NRK
Sandnøtter - via Mat Prat
Serinakaker (Norwegian Butter Cookies) - via Bowl of Delicious
Serinakaker (Norwegian Butter Cookies) - via Food52
Serinakaker (Norwegian Butter Cookies) - via North Wild Kitchen
Serinakaker (Norwegian Butter Cookies) - via The Norwegian American & Outside Oslo
Seven Sorts of Traditional Norwegian Christmas Cakes & Cookies - via My Little Norway
Seven Types of Norwegian Christmas Cakes & Cookies - via ThorNews
Sirupsnipper - via ThorNews
Smultringer (Doughnuts) - via My Little Norway
Smultringer (Doughnuts) - via North Wild Kitchen
Smultringer (Doughnuts) - via ThorNews
Smør Bullar (Butter Balls, Snow Balls, Russian Tea Times) - via NPR
Swedish 4 Foods & 1 Drink - dishes for gatherings via Umgås
Swedish Lucia (St Lucia Day) 13th December - video via
Torskesuppe (Creamy Norwegian Cod Soup) - via North Wild Kitchen
Vafler (Waffles) - via My Little Norway
Vafler (Waffles) - via North Wild Kitchen
Vafler (Waffles) - via Outside Oslo
Valnøttbrød (Walnut Bread) - via North Wild Kitchen
Vannkringler (Bergen Pretzels) - via North Wild Kitchen
Viking Food Prepared For Travel (Video) - via Nordic Sisterhood
Vililjekranse (Danish Butter Cookies) - directly translated means vanilla wreaths, via Nordic Food & Living
- Æbleskiver (Danish Pancake Puffs) - taste of a doughnut mixed with pancakes, via Nordic Food & Living
- Æbleskiver (Danish Pancake Puffs) Video - how to make, via Embassy of Denmark in the US
[Please email Deb Nelson Gourley below with any additions and/or corrections]