History of the Norwegian Settlements (years 1830-1870 Upper Midwest USA) by Hjalmar Rued Holand

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  • History of the Norwegian Settlements: A translated and expanded version of the 1908 De Norske Settlementers Historie and the 1930 Den Siste Folkevandring Sagastubber fra Nybyggerlivet i Amerika 
    By Hjalmar Rued Holand

    Translated by Malcolm Rosholt and Helmer M. Blegen, Co-edited by Jo Ann B. Winistorfer and Deb Nelson Gourley
    Chapter supplements, layout and graphic design, 32-page colored map insert and 3,800 name index by Deb Nelson Gourley
    Published by Deb Nelson Gourley, Astri My Astri Publishing

    • 512 pages including 32 in full color, 6" x 9", 63 chapters in English
    • Fully illustrated, lithographs from 1890 and 1892, USA maps from 1901
    • Current 18 fylker (district) and 433 kommuner (municipality) maps of Norway
    • Index list of 3,800 Norwegian immigrants in U.S.A between 1830-1870
    • Norwegian American Genealogy Resource, Norway emigrant immigrant
    • Hardcover and Smyth sewn for highest quality
    • ISBN: 978-0-9760541-1-5
    • © 2006, Printed in U.S.A.

    WINNER of two National Awards, History of the Norwegian Settlements provides an engaging and enthusiastic depiction of the struggles as well as the triumphs of pioneer life in the Upper Midwest during 1830 - 1870. The 63-chapter non-fiction book lets readers trace the trails of 3,800 indexed immigrants through Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotas as they explore new frontiers and tame the wilderness. Along the way lurk killer diseases, grasshopper plagues, prairie fires and loneliness.


    Ch. 1 The Vinland Expeditions
    Ch. 2 The Norwegian Pioneer
    Ch. 3 Cleng Peerson, Father of Norwegian-American Immigration
    Ch. 4 From New York to the West
    Ch. 5 Fox River Settlement, northern Illinois
    Ch. 6 Chicago, northeastern Illinois
    Ch. 7 Muskego Settlement, Milwaukee County, south eastern Wisconsin
    Ch. 8 Jefferson Prairie Settlement, Rock County, Wisconsin, and Long Prairie Settlement, Boone County, Illinois
    Ch. 9 Rock Prairie (Luther Valley) Settlement, Rock County, Wisconsin
    Ch. 10 Koshkonong Settlement, eastern Dane and western Jefferson Counties, Wisconsin
    Ch. 11 Norway Grove Settlement, Dane County, Wisconsin, and Columbia County, Wisconsin
    Ch. 12 Ashippun, Rock River, and Pine Lake Settlements, southeastern Wisconsin
    Ch. 13 Wiota Settlement and the Lead Miners, Lafayette County, Wisconsin
    Ch. 14 Blue Mounds Settlement (Dodgeville, Otter Creek and Castle Rock), Iowa, and Grant Counties, Wisconsin
    Ch. 15 Winchester Settlement, Racine County, southeastern Wisconsin
    Ch. 16 The Indian Land, western Waupaca and northeast Portage Counties, Wisconsin
    Ch. 17 Mt. Morris Settlement, Waupaca County, Wisconsin
    Ch. 18 Oldest Valdres Colony in America, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin
    Ch. 19 Ephraim, Door County, northeastern Wisconsin
    Ch. 20 Southern Door County (Sturgeon Bay, Hainesville and Clay Banks), Wisconsin
    Ch. 21 Roch-a-Cree (Roche-a-Cri) Colony, Adams County, central Wisconsin
    Ch. 22 Lemonweir Settlement, Juneau County, central Wisconsin
    Ch. 23 Crawford and Vernon Counties, southwestern Wisconsin
    Ch. 24 Rush River Settlement, between St. Croix and Pierce Counties, western Wisconsin
    Ch. 25 Most heavily populated Norwegian area in U.S., western Wisconsin
    Ch. 26 La Crosse County, western Wisconsin
    Ch. 27 Black River Falls, Jackson County, western Wisconsin
    Ch. 28 Trempealeau Valley and surroundings, Trempealeau County, western Wisconsin
    Ch. 29 Lyster Colony in Buffalo County, western Wisconsin
    Ch. 30 Chippewa Valley, northern Eau Claire and southern Chippewa Counties, western Wisconsin
    Ch. 31 First Norwegians in Iowa and Minnesota
    Ch. 32 Clayton and Allamakee Counties, northeastern Iowa
    Ch. 33 Winneshiek County, northeastern Iowa
    Ch. 34 Houston County and eastern Fillmore County, southeastern Minnesota
    Ch. 35 Setesdal, western Fillmore County, southeastern Minnesota
    Ch. 36 Bloomfield Settlement, Fillmore and Mower Counties, southeastern Minnesota
    Ch. 37 Bear Creek Settlement, Mower County, southeastern Minnesota
    Ch. 38 Little Turkey and Crane Creek Settlements, Chickasaw County, northeastern Iowa
    Ch. 39 Clausen’s Big Colony, Iowa and Minnesota border
    Ch. 40 St. Ansgar and surroundings, Mitchell County, northern Iowa
    Ch. 41 Six Mile Grove and Adams, Mower County, southern Minnesota
    Ch. 42 Worth and Winnebago Counties, northern Iowa
    Ch. 43 Freeborn and Waseca Counties, southern Minnesota
    Ch. 44 Faribault County, southern Minnesota
    Ch. 45 McGregor, Clayton County, northeastern Iowa
    Ch. 46 Stavanger and Hordaland colony, Story, Hamilton and Hardin Counties, central Iowa
    Ch. 47 Norway Settlement, Benton County, and Calamus Settlement, Clinton County, eastern Iowa
    Ch. 48 Lykkensborg Village, Hennepin County, Minnesota
    Ch. 49 St. Peter area and Nicollet County, Minnesota
    Ch. 50 Christiania Settlement, Dakota, Scott and Rice Counties, Minnesota
    Ch. 51 Big Goodhue County colony, Minnesota
    Ch. 52 East and West St. Olaf colonies, Olmsted County, Minnesota
    Ch. 53 Main community of Gudbrandsdøler in America, Brown and Watonwan Counties, southwestern Minnesota
    Ch. 54 Jackson County and the 24 August 1862 Belmont Massacre, southwestern Minnesota
    Ch. 55 Largest Norwegian Settlement in America, central Minnesota
    Ch. 56 Norway Lake and surroundings, Kandiyohi County, central Minnesota
    Ch. 57 The Indian war of 1862-65
    Ch. 58 The first large prairie settlement
    Ch. 59 The grasshopper plague
    Ch. 60 The Land of a Thousand Lakes
    Ch. 61 When law and order came to Grant County, Minnesota
    Ch. 62 When Dakota was settled
    Ch. 63 The Red River Valley, western Minnesota

  • Hjalmar Rued Holand deserves credit for being one of only a few who gave us documentation of the Norwegians’ first years in the U.S. While Holand may at times be criticized for his reliance on secondary rather than primary sources, his book provides an engaging and enthusiastic depiction of the struggles as well as the triumphs of pioneer life. His stories will appeal to a broad spectrum of interest levels, from the grass roots to academia. This publication is an important milestone, one that will serve as a foundation for future generations of Norwegians on both sides of the Atlantic. This new book will create discussion, proof of important work done.
    — Steinar Opstad, Ph.D., Sarpsborg, Norway, Norwegian scholar and writer

    Hjalmar Rued Holand captured on paper the captivating sagas of the early Norwegian immigrants and the settlements they established across the Upper Midwest. This translation of Holand’s writing lets readers trace the trails of their ancestors through Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotas as they explore new frontiers and build new communities. Along the way lurk killer diseases, grasshopper plagues, prairie fires and loneliness. Thanks to this book, countless Norwegian- Americans will be able to learn more about their own heritage from the pioneer sagas recorded here and to pass these stories down to their children and grandchildren.
    — Walter F. Mondale, Minnesota, former U.S. Vice President, 2005 Norway Centennial Chairman

    History of the Norwegian Settlements gives today’s generations of Norwegian-Americans fresh insight into their heritage. This new 512-page, hard-cover book details the unprecedented migration of the Norse people to America in the 19th and early 20th centuries and their struggles to build a better future. Holand’s translation also describes the importance of faith and worship to the new immigrants. The impact of the pioneer pastors to the settlers and their new communities is beyond measure. Indeed, some such as Pastor C. L. Clausen explored new territories and established colonies to help the new arrivals.
    — Pastor Jens Dale, Norway, 2002-05 at Mindekirken in Minneapolis, Minnesota
