Norwegians in America, Some Records of the Norwegian Emigration to America by Knud Langeland

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Norwegians in America, Some Records of the Norwegian Emigration to America: A transcribed and translated version of the 1888 Nordmændene i Amerika, Nogle Optegnelser om De Norskes Udvandring til Amerika
Written by Knud Langeland

Translated into English by Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng
Transcribed from Dano-Norwegian Gothic script by Benjamin Keith Huntrods
Edited by Odd S. Lovoll
Foreword, biographical sketch and back cover written by Odd S. Lovoll
Indexed and Published by Deb Nelson Gourley, Astri My Astri Publishing

  • 240 pages, 5 ½” x 7 ½"
  • Autobiographical work
  • Life in Norway before 1843, Early immigrant life in America
  • Social and political portrait, Norwegian immigrant press
  • Bilingual English Norwegian text in the same book
  • Hardcover and Smyth sewn for highest quality
  • ISBN: 978-0-9760541-8-4
  • © 2012, Published in U.S.A.

    Knud Langeland introduces his Nordmændene i Amerika/Norwegians in America with great modesty, stating that it was not his “intention to deliver any perfect historical work, but on the other hand to bring the timber and the rocks that the simple worker brings to the experienced builder, so that from this he can erect that historical building.” Langeland suggests that someone from every emigration group should deliver memoirs for the historian to process. He describes his book as his contribution to this goal. In this highly autobiographical work, Langeland clearly achieves much more than simply providing source material for the professional custodians of the past; his reflections on his memories from life in Norway and in America offer a striking social and political portrait of the time in which he lived. He emphasizes his own life experience, intellectual growth, convictions, and activities in the old and the new world and broadens the narrative to include his own insights and knowledge of the history of Norwegian immigration and settlement.

    Nordmændene i Amerika was published in 1888, only a few weeks before Langeland’s death on February 8 at the age of 74. The book is divided into two sections, the first one treating immigration and his years in the United States; it deals with his career as a pioneer in the Norwegian immigrant press and his involvement in American public affairs. The second half recounts his life in Norway before his departure for America in 1843; major attention is given to the class discrimination and social injustice he himself observed and experienced.

    Published in a bilingual edition, the volume includes both an English translation as well as a 
    Norwegian transcription of the 1888 Gothic script.

    Odd S. Lovoll
    Professor Emeritus of History, St. Olaf College
    Member the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Fritt Ord Honnør (2011)

    Table of Contents/Indholdsfortegnelse.

    English — Part 1: 
    I. Migration of a Nation.
    II. The Discovery of America.
    III. Grounds for Emigration.
    IV. The first Norwegian Emigration Party.
    V. Rochester-Settlement.
    VI. From 1825 to 1836.
    VII. Emigrating in 1836.
    VIII. The Fox River Settlement.
    IX. The third Emigration Group.
    X. Reasons for the Journey.
    XI. Ole Rynning.
    XII. Beaver Creek.
    XIII. In La Salle County.
    XIV. Ansten Natstad’s [Nattestad’s] trip to America.
    XV. The Emigrant Groups are formed.
    XVI. Norwegians in Chicago.
    XVII. First Norwegian Settlements in Wisconsin.
    XVIII. Heg in Norway [Town of Norway, Wisconsin].
    XIX. The first Norwegian church in America.
    XX. Yorkville Prairie.
    XXI. Ogden and the Norwegians.
    XXII. Travel from Bergen to New York in 1843.
    XXIII. Illness among the Passengers.
    XXIV. Arrival in New York.
    XXV. Departure to the West.
    XXVI. Captain Gasman’s [Gasmann’s] Group.
    XXVII. Broker Balken and the Emigrants.
    XXVIII. The Runner Menace.
    XXIX. The first Norwegians in the Townships of Wisconsin.
    XXX. Reminiscence of the New Settler Life.
    XXXI. In Dane County.
    XXXII. Tollefson’s Experiences.
    XXXIII. The first battle with the Pastor.
    XXXIV. A Settlers Cabin in Columbia County.
    XXXV. An Indian Visit.
    XXXVI. An Unpleasant Journey.
    XXXVII. Immigration to Texas and the Death of Cleng Peerson.
    XXXVIII. Ole Rynning’s Writings.
    XXXIX. Nordlyset, the first Norwegian newspaper in America.
    XL. Demokraten.
    XLI. Maanedstidende.
    XLII. An Old Subscriber List.
    XLIII. Other Norwegian-American Newspapers.
    XLIV. Emigranten.
    XLV. Den Norske Amerikaner.
    XLVI. The Norwegian’s Future in America.

    English — Part 2: 
    I. An Emigrant’s Memoirs about Life in Norway and America.
    II. Preparing for Confirmation.
    III. Work and Reading.
    IV. A Hard School.
    V. At Bergen Alternative School.
    VI. Life as a School Teacher.
    VII. A Forbidden Fruit.
    VIII. Journey to England.
    IX. Attempt to Create a Reading Society.
    X. Commercial Enterprises.
    XI. Life in America.

    Norsk — 1ste Del: 
    I. Folkevandringer.
    II. Amerikas Opdagelse.
    III. Udvandrings - Aarsager.
    IV. Det første norske Udvandrerselskab.
    V. Rochester-Settlementet.
    VI. Fra 1825 til 1836.
    VII. Udvandringen i 1836.
    VIII. Fox River Settlementet.
    IX. Det tredie Udvandrerselskab.
    X. Aarsager til Reisen.
    XI. Ole Rynning.
    XII. Beaver Creek.
    XIII. I La Salle County.
    XIV. Ansten Natstads [Nattestads] Amerikareise.
    XV. Udvandrernes Antal formeres.
    XVI. Nordmænd i Chicago.
    XVII. Første norske Settlementer i Wisconsin.
    XVIII. Heg i Norway.
    XIX. Den første norske Kirke i Amerika.
    XX. Yorkvilleprærie.
    XXI. Ogden og de Norske.
    XXII. Reise fra Bergen til New York i 1843.
    XXIII. Sygdom blandt Passagererne.
    XXIV. Ankomst til New York.
    XXV. Afreise til Vesten.
    XXVI. Kaptein Gasman’s [Gasmann’s] følge.
    XXVII. Mægler Balken og Emigranterne.
    XXVIII. Runnervæsenet.
    XXIX. De første Norske i Wisconsin Byerne.
    XXX. Erindringer om Nybyggerlivet.
    XXXI. I Dane County.
    XXXII. Tollefsons Erfaringer.
    XXXIII. Den første Præstestrid.
    XXXIV. En Nybyggers Hytte i Columbia County.
    XXXV. Et Indianerbesøg.
    XXXVI. En ubehagelig Reise.
    XXXVII. Indvandringen til Texas og Cleng Peersons Død.
    XXXVIII. Ole Rynnings Skrifter.
    XXXIX. “Nordlyset,” det første norske Blad i Amerika.
    XL. “Demokraten.”
    XLI. “Maanedstidende.”
    XLII. En gammel Abonnentliste.
    XLIII. Andre norsk-amerikanske Blade.
    XLIV. “Emigranten.”
    XLV. “Den Norske Amerikaner.”
    XLVI. De Norskes Fremtid i Amerika.

    Norsk — Anden Del: 
    I. En Udvandrers Erindringer fra Livet i Norge og Amerika.
    II. Forberedelse til Konfirmation.
    III. Arbeide og Læsning.
    IV. En haard Skole.
    V. Paa Bergens Vexelskole.
    VI. Skolelærerlivet.
    VII. En forbuden Frugt.
    VIII. Reise til England.
    IX. Forsøg paa at oprette et Læseselskab.
    X. Handelsforetagender.
    XI. Livet i Amerika.